Image created for one of the many articles done in partnership with M&S. This one was for an article showcasing Autumn wardrobe pieces.
Images designed to highlight key pieces in two different articles (each of which has been rerun with a different image) created in partnership with Reiss, with an elegant and high end approach to them, in compliance with the requirements from the editorial team.
Articles (top and bottom, respectively): here and here
GIF image created for an article in partnership with John Lewis, as a series of articles in collaboration with the brand. 
Find animated version here.

Collages created in partnership with shoe brand UGG, promoting their s/s indoor and outdoor shoewear collection.
Being able to adapt an image to different formats (web and mobile, both for a grid post or Instagram Stories) has been a key aspect of my work so far. 
These three images belong to the same article, but each one of them has been carefully crafted to ensure the article content is conveyed and that it adapts to the format and type of media.

Creating eye catching collages, to ensure clicks, has also been a key part of my job so far. This image has been present in one newsletter (141k subscribers) and has a total engagement of 28k (see traffic report here)
Solus email done in partnership with West End sensation Harry Potter and The Cursed Child. The dedicated email got a staggering response, with an estimated Open Rate of 23%, deriving traffic and sales to the client.  
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